Declutting By Faith Video Guide and Review

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Decluttering by faith is a 12 week course by Minimal Mom, Dawn Masen and pastor, Dianna Kokku. These twin sister walk readers through what the bible has to say stuff, consuming and clutter. Their inspiring connections they make between home orangization and the bible will inspire you to get your home in order. Throughout the study, there are weekly challenges, checklists techniques that help you loosen your grip on stuff.

Dawn Madsen and Diana Kokku, twin sisters, smiling and holding organizing baskets in bright light.

My life was already changed from listening to Minimal Mom’s youtube and podcast. It wasn’t untill I removed about 60% of our home’s “stuff” that daily chores around the home started to flow. Living with an aggresive chronic illness, keeping up with our home is my hardest task. To deepen my journey with minimalism I bought “Declutting By Faith” and dove in.

After Minimal Mom’s, Declutting by Faith, even after a disaster week, the home can get back to tidy with minimal effort and I’m left to fix my eyes on more important callings.

Dawn Masen smiling with page open to a spread that says, "Making the Most of Our Days"

And that calling was sharing this idea with others. I started a small group to go through the 12 week course with long distant girl friends. As I shared readings with my friends and discussed, I found myself texting links to my favorite videos to answer questions and encourage my group. From this, I curated collection of videos that line up to Dawn and Diana’s weekly readings.

Week 1 What’s your why? from Minimal Mom

The Unexpected path to Here…

Break the ice with your group through this interview and get to know the writers by listerning to their faith story

Decluttering Affects Your Faith

This interview with Minimal Mom is a great energizing one when thinking about your why.

Week 2 Kitchens & Hospitaility

Dawn and Diana in the kitchen with cupcakes and snacks. Spread of the book is open to "week two kitchens and hospitality"

How do Declutter you Kitchen TODAY with Minimal Mom

Redesign your kitchen to by hightly simplified. Dawn outlines the benifits and working with the cabniet or storage space you have. She speaks of half filled drawers, more home cooked meals and family pitching in… you can have it too!

“If the Kitchen is tidy, we can handle it.”

Body doubling is productivity technique where you work on a task in the company of another person. Do do this, it doesn’t have to be in person to be effective. I find body doubling using one of Minimal Mom’s long form video online, (1+ hour keeps) my head in the game.

Week 3: Clothing & Modern Day Idols

Project 333: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Wardrobe

Courtney Carver is the creator of Project 333 and a personal hero of mine. The discussion taking place between Courtney and Dawn is one not to miss. If you’d like to read about Courtney’s project visit her website “Be More With Less.”

The Laundry System that changed my life!

Curating my my wardrobe and flipping my laundry system was the first thing I tackled in my decluttering. This is the only system that ever worked for me and it instantly STUCK. I included this video in an early section of the book because the results are so effective.

Week 4 Bedrooms & Room to Pray

The bedroom is the ideal place to shove and hide things. This video is sure to create some great conversations at your bible study how to shift your focus in the bedroom.

How Reading Fiction can Launch Your Faith

Diana shares some interesting ideas how to retrain your brain to read. What better time than in your newly decluttered bedroom.

27 Things Your Bedroom Doesn’t Need

Week 5 Bathrooms & True Beauty

Dawn suggests what bins work great in bathroom cabniets. The “get ready bin” is one of my favorite ideas.

Bathroom Cabinet Hack!

Dawn creativitly manages her big family and only two bathrooms.

Minimalist Bathroom: You Have to See this! (Small Bathroom)

More on Dawn’s trim and efficient bathroom.

Week 6 Toys, Crafts and Gratitude with Minimal Mom

This video is an interview with Lisa Bass, as a Mom of 8 she’s a great one to talk about mangaging a home and toys!

Trick to Organize Kids Toys in 20 Min!

Diana’s technique for streamlining toys:

Week 7 Living Rooms & Community

Week 7 suprised and encouraged me to reach out to community more, for us, this meant our neighbors. People say God will bring complete strangers to help you and that phrase couldn’t have been truer during our season of renovating. Diana’s talk below on modern friendship is great place to ponder.

With less stuff to manage, we will have more to give to friendships. Diana’s and Dawn’s conversation is a fun video for this week’s reading.

Week 8 Offices & Spiritual

Paper Piles Solved! 3 Bins Changed Everything!

In the video, “Paper Piles Solved” Minimal Mom’s computer set up and ideas for paper organization, managing the in, out and todo’s.

Solveing Paper Clutter: Why your “Sunday Basket” Isn’t working…

A popular technique is called the Sunday basket created by Organize 365 gives her input.

Week 9 Sentimental Things & Love and Care for Others

What if you handled Sentimental idems this way???

Parting with items that are passed down, gifted or expensive comes with feelings. This video brings up a lot of great questions your small group may be struggling with.

Q + A: Letting go of Gifts, Hoarding & Homesteading, Fear & Guilt

Week 10 Storage Spaces & Giving Generously

Keeping Birthday’s Simple but SPECIAL!

This video will get your brain spinning about ideas that don’t contribute to clutter or excess.

How to Declutter an Overwhelming Space

Garages, sheds, barns and basements… These big spaces require extra motiviation. Another great body doubling video from Minimal Mom.

Week 11 Forgiveness & Laundry Rooms with Minimal Mom

This video dives into those feelings of resentment when caring and storing things we don’t want.

Folding away my laundry takes less than 10 minutes. As minimal mom says “

Week 12 Decluttering Hurry

Hush Your House (This is SO cool!)

This is one of Minimal Mom’s most popular videos and it’s a fun and eye opening technique that includes the whole family. Once you have a lot less stuff, this can be much easier to do and therefore, a great last video to close out your journey with Decluttering By Faith

I and my family are still benifiting from this book. It’s highly affordable on

Dawn Madsen and Diana Kokku, twin sisters, smiling and holding organizing baskets in bright light.

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